🔥Overview of FatBoy game

Brief introduction

Your FatBoy loves to eat. Exercise? Ehhh…not so much. Actually, he weighs over 500 lbs. Let's take care of him and make some $FAT.

You don't need to go to work anymore! You just need to take care of your Fat Boy. Invite your friends and get more $FAT from anyone who buys his own Fat Boy

To make $FAT, you need to keep your FatBoy happy. Your FatBoy has four needs: Hunger, Fun, Hygiene, and Energy. All these needs are decreasing, and you must be strategic in keeping him happy. You can use free equipment or buy and upgrade more advanced pieces of equipment, which will increase your earnings.

Each piece of equipment has a different duration for recharging needs. Some equipment is paid for with $FAT, while others require $SHAPE. Your mission is to keep your FatBoy alive and well. His mood and current level are connected to your FAT mint rate. Keep him happy to reach the next level and make more $FAT.

About us

We are developers with over 10 years of experience in game and app development, and FatBoy is our new Web3 NFT Play-to-Earn Tamagotchi app with built-in Game-Fi elements.

FatBoy is built around one of the most recognizable childhood games - Tamagotchi. We are the first crypto project in the world to effectively connect elements of the Tamagotchi game with NFT elements.

Users acquire an NFT of the comical game character, and their next task is to earn $FAT coins and in-game currency by caring for their Tamagotchi (FatBoy).


Website: http://fatboygame.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fatboynftgame

Telegram: https://t.me/fatboyannouncement


We're here to create a nostalgic game, one that we all played in our childhood, combining amazing FatBoy gaming experiences, fun, and player-owned economies as the most important part of our project.

Disclaimer: Please note that anything written in this white paper should not be taken as financial advice. FatBoy is a game that's incorporating unfinished, risky, and highly experimental technology.

© NFT Games LLC, all rights reserved

Last updated